Q&A with our Founder, Caylen

We recently asked our community on Instagram what they wanted to know about Canvas Candle Co and our  founder, Caylen Baker. They had really great questions that we think will inspire you in many aspects of your life.  

Learn about her journey here....

When you have a day off do you make sure to not work - your 'me' time?

When I have days off I always try to stay away from my phone/computer as much as I can. I'm the type of person that will work, if the work is there (the work is always there haha). When I have down time it's important for me to be present with my family and friends, I love cooking and entertaining guests at our house. I also love walking, so taking the dogs for a walk, and just zoning out in nature is one of my fav down time activities as well.

Caylen's Boston Terrier, Bentley 

What's new at Canvas for 2023?

SO much! We will be launching 6 new seasonal fragrances this year (SS/FW), some non-candle based products to help you keep your life smelling amazing and we will also be launching a new initiative that is very meaningful to myself, and our team - that will be a permanent way for us to help give back to our community!


When did you know it was time to do this (Canvas Candle Co) full time?

 I remember when I first started, I said to my best friend "I just want to pour candles all day" while sitting at the desk of my corporate job (we were chatting on g-chat haha). So I think deep down I knew that I always wanted to do this full-time. In 2018 I was laid off from my corporate job (the first time since I was 15 that I didn't have a "job"). It was a big shock, and ego hit and it made me question the reality I had built of "having a job". Ryan, my partner, challenged me at the time to do Canvas full-time and go all in - after a few good meltdowns, I knew I had to try. I haven't looked back since.


What was the most surprising thing about becoming a successful business owner?

I think success needs to be measured in small increments the lead to an overall goal. I used to think success would be like an over all sense of "I've achieved, or arrived". But it's not. Success is truly in all the small steps it takes to reach those goals, recognizing your weaknesses/accepting constructive criticism, and literally pouring your best into everything you do with pride. As long as you can wake up each day with that integrity, then I think that's success! Big wins are amazing, but humbling at the same time - if you can't be proud of the process it took to achieve those big wins, how can it be success?

What's your guilty pleasure when you have free time?

Staying up late, watching true crime documentaries and bleaching my whites HAHA. Honestly - is there anything better than bleaching white laundry? I'm boring!

Do you think anyone can be a business owner? What strengths or qualities should they have?

I absolutely think anyone can be a business owner - but you need to want it more than anything. The discipline it takes to grow a business is not for the faint of heart, and it's not something that you can do alone! Even if that means reaching out to mentors, building a team or asking for help. Important qualities are to be able to problem solve on the fly (I use this skill daily), to be flexible, to not be afraid of failure or rejection and to have the ability to practice gratitude every single day.

Have you ever been on a podcast? Would you consider it?

I have! I've attached them below-give them a listen! I love sitting down with other entrepreneurs and chatting about business and life.


The most important thing to invest in as a business owner?

Your own mental health. I learned the hard way that burn-out is very real, debilitating and will take everything from you. I think building a sense of self separate from your business is the best way to achieve this - for me this means setting strict work hours for myself, so I can be fully present for myself and my family outside of those hours. I've tried my best to also set our business up to support our team in living this way also!

What's the product you're most proud of?

There isn't a product I'm the most proud of per se, but I would say the whole Ritual Collection is my "baby". The Ritual Collection was born to help people create more balance in their lives and rituals to help them achieve that. I've struggled with balance in my life always, so I think this was my way to help others also bring awareness to the practice of balance. You can learn more about that here: https://www.canvascandleco.com/blogs/read/introducing-the-ritual-candle-collection


Are there any "competitors" of yours that you admire?

Honestly, anyone who can start, grow and sustain a candle company - I admire. This sh*t is hard haha! I don't view other candles companies as "competitors" in the traditional sense that would have a negative connotation to it. I truly am in awe of what other candle companies are doing - I love the fact that SO many candle companies can co-exist within a market and all be thriving so differently. Because we are all different - our values, the branding and even the marketing! There is so much beauty in that, and I will be the first to cheer them on because I know the energy, love and strength it takes to have a dream, make it a reality and share it with the world with vulnerability.


Learn more about Caylen and why she started Canvas Candle Co here!

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